Saturday, 22 January 2011

Chat with Chrystel (Thursday 20 January 2011)

Chatting with Chrystel about my ideas for FMP, she suggests:

Illustrations at the Natural History Museum 

Mat Collishaw's "Insecticide" series

Orlan's body modification

Thinking about curatorial issues regarding series, collections:

Mark Dion

Susan Hiller

Influences and Context

Stan Brakhage's film "Mothlight"

George Frederick Watts "Clytie"

Ori Gersht "Time after Time no. 7"

Anya Gallaccio "Beauty"

Some examples of my own work:
Chrysanthemums in latex
Sunflower seeds in latex

Ink made out of roses
Pencil drawing, flower ink, latex and flowers
Drawing with projection 

Slide projection of petals in latex

Photocopy of sunflower seeds in latex worked into

Hand prints in graphite dust